During Term 2 the 6-15 months and 1-2 year old children will…
experiment with different percussion instruments and practise how to play with the music in stop and start activities. As their confidence grows, we will see them interact with other children and begin imitating what they see others doing. They will also learn about sharing and being part of a group.
During Term 2 the 2-3 year old children will…
develop their singing voices as they extend their language skills. They will discover dynamics (soft and loud) and tempo (fast and slow) and thereby begin to experience the range of expression capable in music. The children will also play new musical games which will help develop their imaginative play skills. Our dances will teach them about socialising with their peers and reinforce a sense of steady beat.

During Term 2 the 3-4 year old children will…
begin consciously learning about dynamics and including their proper terms (piano and forte). They will have lots of fun discovering all of the piano/forte sounds in daily life. The children will enjoy doing their first ‘homework’ projects and will feel very proud when they bring them in to show each other. Dances, games and instrumental activities are also part of their program in Term 2.
During Term 2 the 4-5 year old children will…
learn simple songs on their chime bars that highlight beat, rhythm and the crotchet rest (saa). They will also work from their music books finding high and low notes on the music staff. They will practise pointing to a steady beat while singing and will learn to read simple picture symbols which introduce musical notation. This age group loves the dramatic play activities and games which will be played throughout the term.