Robyn Crowe – Moving to Learn
During the school holidays before the start of Term 3, our Mini Maestros teachers attended a teaching workshop as part of their ongoing training and development. One of the presenters at the workshop was Robyn Crowe, a specialist in early childhood movement and music and its impact on brain development. Robyn has vast experience in early childhood and primary education as well as art therapy, counselling and gymnastics!
We were inspired to hear from Robyn about how a teacher’s energy will infect their students and how we can all shape people’s thinking and have a positive impact by the example we choose to set when we engage with others.

Our teachers already know so well that children learn more in the first 5 years of their life than at any other time.
Robyn was able to reinforce this by showing how repetition and practice are critical for development of neuron to neuron connections in the brain i.e. intellectual and physical development. Robyn also explained the biology involved in regulating balance and how movement for a developing child is the key to developing a good sense of balance and physical coordination.
Robyn is very strong on encouraging parents to actively participate in the promotion of their child’s development;
sharing activities together at home and also participating together in out-of-home educator-facilitated structured activities with a social context. She loves the way parents join in with their child in group music and movement sessions and notes how important that is for encouraging a child’s development.

Robyn also believes it is very important to give children sufficient time;
“Time to experience new learning; time to practice old learning; time to grow as a child (not as a mini-adult); time in the ‘waiting room’; time with you.”
With our philosophy of ‘learning through play’ Mini Maestros whole heartedly supports giving children sufficient time. As well as the in-class time each week, the online course which our students now receive allows carers and their children to share in Mini Maestros’ activities at home. Over and above this of course, spontaneously singing favourite songs and dancing favourite dances is to be encouraged at any time!
More information about Robyn and the resources she offers can be found at