Meet The Franchisees – Rosie Savage- Bendigo Franchisee
Rosie Savage is the owner / operator of Bendigo. We asked Rosie a few questions so you can get to know her better and this is what she had to say.
Rosie Savage
Bendigo Franchise

Question 1: Assuming you already have food and water, what 3 things would you take to a deserted island?
“My cat and jigsaw puzzle, a teapot and a piano.”
Question 2: Who is your favourite band/musician at the moment?
Question 4: What are 3 pieces of advice you would give to a child as they embark on their life’s journey?
1. Enjoy the ride! It’s ok to not be perfect at things – get in and have a go anyway.
2. Whatever your passion is, explore it in as many ways as you can. Learn about things that interest you and let that learning take you down more pathways to other things.
3. Be kind and inclusive of others.
I absolutely love doing Mini Maestros! It has given me a renewed energy that I could never have dreamt of. I feel motivated every week to do the best for my students and I feel refreshed each class. I think with this age group I receive so much energy from the children, and from their genuine response to music, that the classes go so quickly. I also enjoy having parents and carers involved in the classes as they get to experience the joy alongside their children. Music is a social activity and I love being able to share the experience of music making.