Meet The Franchisees – Judy O’Neill – Ringwood Franchisee
Judy O’Neill is the owner / operator of Ringwood. We asked Judy a few questions so you can get to know her better and this is what she had to say.
Judy O’Neill
Ringwood Franchise

Question 1: Assuming you already have food and water, what 3 things would you take to a deserted island?
- My family, their partners, my grandkids and my friends (we’ll need a big boat!)
- A solar sports watch and multiple solar chargers.
- As there will be an abundant supply of coffee beans growing on the island, a manual coffee grinder and a plunger.

Question 2: Who is your favourite band/musician at the moment?
Hmmm.. It’s very hard for me to nail it down to one muso/band but my all-time favourite would be Peter Gabriel. I lucked a front row seat when he toured here many moons ago. It’s time to return to Oz, Peter!!!
My “souperpower” would be a delicious soup served up to all and sundry on a daily basis, from a bottomless pot consisting of:
*1/3 Non-judgemental thinking (ie acceptance, empathy and genuineness).
*1/3 Kindness.
*1/3 Contagious belly laughs.
Question 4: What are 3 pieces of advice you would give to a child as they embark on their life’s journey?
1.🎵Do what you want to do🎵 (Be brave and explore).
2.🎵Be what you want to be🎵 (and accept your imperfections).
3.🎵Yeah🎵 (Go for it!)
Being surrounded my incredible MM families and MM colleagues (this is my 27th year of teaching MM and I love hearing about my past clients’ adventures).